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Innovative Policy – Youth Policy Lab

Innovative Policy

of Adolescents and Young People in Pakistan

  • Course Duration 3 hours

  • Course Mode Virtual/self-paced

  • Course Type Moderated/ Assessed
    (for certificate of qualification)

Key Consideration for Effective Adolescent and Youth Policy Engagement

  • Principles and Strategies for Adolescent and Youth Engagement.
  • Skills and Competencies Needed for Effective Engagement of Adolescent and Youth in Policymaking.
  • Equitable Adolescent and Youth Policy Engagement: Actions to Promote Inclusion of Vulnerable an Adolescents & Youth Groups.

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Online Assessment

(45 minutes)


Throughout the course we have learnt various forms of policy engagement of adolescent and youth, and the key considerations to ensure effectiveness and inclusiveness of engagement processes. Using this knowledge, propose a short outline for an Adolescent/Youth Engagement Program (in Pakistan) addressing one of the following key areas:

  • 1. Climate Change Adaptation
  • 2. Primary Education Curriculum Re-design
  • 3. Poverty Reduction Strategy
  • 4. Mainstreaming WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) in Rural Areas

Chosen Key Area for Youth Engagement Program

(Remember to reflect on the objectives and policy outcomes to be achieved from the proposed YEP, how the program will be rolled out (platforms, target stakeholders, facilitation), and how will it ensure participation of vulnerable and marginalized youth groups).

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