Essential Skills

for working with adolescents and young people in Pakistan

  • Course Duration 3 hours

  • Course Mode Virtual/self-paced

  • Course Type Moderated/ Assessed
    (for certificate of qualification)

Approaches for Youth Practice

  • Ladder of adolescent/youth participation
  • Space and levels
  • Factors of marginalisation

Designing Effective Youth Practice

  • Youth mainstreaming tools: safe spaces
  • How to incorporate learning in your practice?

Online Short Assessment

(100% weightage for certificate of qualification)

Imagine you are a youth development specialist at a national NGO/CSO in Pakistan and you have been tasked to develop an event called 'Youth Sports Funshop'. 

The Funshop will bring together youth leaders from across Pakistan for a two-day intensive capacity-building and networking programme. Through structured exchanges that will draw on their own experiences, the youth will gain a deeper understanding of the role that sport can play in achieving specific development priorities in Pakistan. The thematic discussions will focus on youth empowerment, health, social inclusion & gender equality, climate change, and prevention of violent extremism (PVE). 


Based on your course learning, write a letter to CEO/ Director of the NGO/CSO explaining how the event could be designed based on following principles: owned by youth; inclusive; respectful; safe and flexible. The letter should be not more than 350 words. You can start the letter from 'Dear Sir/Madam..'

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